Solar Installations in Medinaceli and Belmonte, Calatayud (Spain)
We have completed 2 new collective self-consumption installations. One of them is located in the historic town of Medinaceli, south of Calatayud. This is an 83.6 kWp installation on the roof of the municipal sports ground. The project involved 15 families, 4 local businesses and the town council. It is estimated to produce 110,000 kWh per year, avoiding the emission of 50 tonnes of CO2/year into the atmosphere.
The other installation is in Belmonte de Gracián. It has a 14.2 kWp PV generator and 8 families from the village and the town council have participated in the project. The installation is capable of producing 19,000 kWh/year, avoiding the emission of 9 tonnes of CO2.