Privacy and Cookies Policy

This privacy policy covers this website –
Data is not processed for any purposes other than those specified here.
We reserve the right to update or modify this privacy policy without prior notice in order to adapt it to legislative changes, so a regular visit is advised.
Users are assumed to be aware of these policies when browsing

Data collection:

Data collection (if any) occurs by:

  • Direct Collection: Users personal data are collected (Name and Email) only when a contact is made through the contact form, so that it is possible to respond to the contact, or a request to
    subscribe to a newsletter so that it is possible to send the newsletter to the user.
  • Indirect collection: Through Google Analytics, statistical information on the use of aggregated data is monitored: geographic origin (city, country), type of device, operating system, browser, operator and accesses. The use of these data does not contain personal identification data or private information.

Purposes of the Data collected:

Exclusively for processing requests for contact information from users in the “Contact Form“, and will not be used for any other processing, including Direct Marketing.

User Rights:

All content provided in contact messages and newsletter subscriptions are for the specified purposes, guaranteeing the holder access, updating, rectification and deletion of their data.

Data Sharing:

All data provided is not disclosed or communicated to third parties outside of the JALON project without consent, whether partners or cloud services, except when required by law.

Data Storage:

All data relating to this website is stored on servers located in the European Union. These servers are protected and maintained according to security standards, to respect applicable privacy laws.

Links to Web Pages:

There are links to web pages of third parties that may be of interest to the user, and this site is not responsible for the way in which these entities deal with the protection of privacy and data.


By subscribing to the newsletter, the user gives his consent so that his data, related to the location in which the subscription and use of the newsletter is made, are monitored by Jalon-CE, and can be used for future notifications or campaigns aimed at certain profiles user interface, within the framework of the Jalon-CE project. Data relating to the subscriber are only registered until the user cancels the subscription.

To unsubscribe, the user can do so through the link available in each newsletter received.


This portal uses cookies with specific functions to improve and monitor the user experience, which can be stored for up to 30 days, depending on the function for which they are intended.

Cookies Used:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies:
    They are essential to help make the website usable, allowing basic settings and functions in
    page navigation. Without these cookies, the portal may not function properly.
  • Analytical Cookies:
    They help to monitor user experiences regarding the use of aggregated data from the portal,
    for the purposes of statistical analysis by Google Analytics, without ever collecting personal or
    private information.

For more information about cookies and their use, see the following link:

Contact of the Responsible for the Treatment:

For any question related to the processing of personal data, you can contact us through the “Contact Form” or write an email to the address:

Under Development!